Monday, May 18, 2009


So after starting my exciting, new, amazing blog.... I forgot it. :P so I have decided to post! What a grand idea! Anyways, ....... it is obviously summer now, and I'm loving the idea of no homework and NO FINALS!!! woot!!!! But sadly I miss my friends, some of whom I will never see again. :( *sniff* but I guess sad things must happen when you change paths. A miserable fact of life I must deal with. But on to the future! As most college students are, (I would assume) I'm also looking for a job and trying to make money. I have one job, but this (of course) is not enough. I'm bored, and a job seems to be the only thing to do around here besides take summer classes, but the sound of the word school work still brings a bad taste to my mouth.